Are Food Labels Confusing To You?
Various health claims. Ingredients that we can’t pronounce. Mixed messaging from the media & culture. How do we know what is actually healthy, and what food labels actually mean?
Reading Labels 101
Are you feeling frustrated with the current system? You are not alone.
I want to help bring some clarity to label reading, and provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision when buying your food. Because that’s what is important, right? Being educated enough to make the decision that is best for you and your family. Knowledge is power!
Finally, feel confident about what you are buying and eating.
After reading this ebook, you will understand:
How the food labeling system works, and how companies get approval from the USDA and FDA for specific claims on their products.
Specific marketing claims in all primary food groups and what they actually mean. From “grass-fed” to “all-natural” and everything inbetween.
Specific ingredients to avoid, including artificial sweeteners, preservatives, dyes, flavorings, and more.